晚上回家时看到了 Figma 被 Adobe 以 $20 billion 收购的消息。

这令我非常忧心,我已经将 Figma 当成必不可少的创作工具,甚至打算写一篇博客介绍作为非设计师的我如何使用它。但 Adobe 的收购,意味着 Figma 可能不再允许免费使用,更糟糕的结果是成为臃肿而缓慢的 Adobe CC 全家桶的一部分。

一位朋友抱怨,Figma 做产品做烦了是吗,非得把自己卖出去。


诚然,$20 billion 在任何人面前都是难以拒绝的价位,但我认为这不是 Figma founders 决定接受这次收购的唯一原因。



另一个例子是 Super 创始人 @traf,下面是他的离职声明的摘录,可以从中窥见创业者内心世界的一角:

Super was the first idea of many, and since it started working right away, it demanded all my attention (which I happily gave it).

Because of that, none of my other ideas saw the light of day, and over time, the itch to keep building things kept growing, until the urge got big enough for me to do something about it.

The success from Super and other products gave me the privilege to step back, reset back to zero, and think through what I want to build next.